I have a serious white vintage blouse addiction you know, I have bought white vintage blouse over white vintage blouse.. lost track and count on them but this must be my favorite I guess, and everything with a hood is good, I'm on the hunt for a long-dress like fine jersey black zip up hood, a hooded black jumper, everything hood actually, a studded hood, shredded hood? hood hood hood and zippers..
This morning I woke up with a sore throat, man what happened, yesterday I was fine, and today I'm coughing, figures the weather gets nice and i get a cold. sucks. :(

Wearing a Mint brown Jacket, Mint gold skirt, Marc by Marc Jacobs shirt and shoes, H&M socks..
Walking around in Soho I was just telling Kristine (from "the twelfth") about the comments that where noticing the trucks and cars in the background getting scary close,
note that she just had pulled me away a week before when a truck suddenly moved back and I got a very close call.. seriously...
with those damn noises in New York you get numb you know..
so when this Cab came in just minutes after our chat I was cracking up and barely stept aside in time.. again...

Damn Low Over-Flying Pigeons!so I'm all for cheap thrills, man I hardly spent any money on shoes, its mostly Zara-ish or Consignment so you get shoes from a pre-historic season.. fine by me... until....
today, I was borrowed these babies, that must be like lending your ferrari to someone, red furry you know,
and.. gosh... its kind of a difference... in a very good way... a good shoe def adds something.... shit...
someone please donate...... oh the greed.... must...... have...... shoes......
The sweater is from Mint, the leggings from Falke, Blazer is H&M, the scarf Marc Jacobs, Very light pink lipstick is from Givenchy nb 11 Rose Desire (worth mentioning cause it took me like a freakin year to find this shade and blame that on the damn Chloe adds!)

I wear a H&M hat, vintage sequined top from Wicked Plum Vintage, H&M tutu, H&M white sneakers, DIY chain and lace ruff inspired embellished collar
Got a new camera, a digital SRL, man, I'm so happy with this baby, I'm still test driving it to see if its a jay or nay before I really start screaming its the best thing ever..
The first photo's are color corrected, the last ones are unedited..
I have been tagged and I'm working on doing it!!! promise promise promise
and thanks too WithAsianStereotypes I changed the tune, man I am so hooked on her Joy Division pick!
wicked plum vintage