Me and ma' gal Karen playing in the Lower east side, what can I say... Karen always picks out other pictures to post haha, its too funny
Anywayz I got my hands on shiny sparkly Swarovski's so of course those darn little stones had to go on about everything, and .... I'm so not finished with the sparkelies yet, its gonna be one hell of a glittery blog i tell you that, till those tiny little things get on my nerves...
Im soooo drooling over Karen's diy studded bag and her diy studded boots, she's in trouble actually cause I already made a whole list of shit I want her to stud :) boots, white all stars, a chanel logo on a leather bag, a normal bag, shoulder pads on a leather jacket,...... :) I don't think its going to happen :)
What did happen... and made me really happy... is my tights on worn by LAUREN SANTO DOMINGO !!!! :)
photos by Michael Marrs
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