My Ping in

Kamis, 11 Juli 2013

Movie review: ‘Grown Ups 2’ is awful

There are 162 million reasons for "Grown Ups 2" to have been made —

that's how many dollars the first "Grown Ups" took in back in 2010.

But there's no earthly reason for it to be made so awful.

This time, Hollywood agent Lenny Feder (Adam Sandler) and his

fashion-designer wife, Roxanne (Salma Hayek), have relocated their

family to Lenny's New England hometown. There, Lenny mostly hangs out

with pals Eric (Kevin James), Kurt (Chris Rock) and Higgins (David

Spade). Rob Schneider skipped this time and got the better end of the

deal. Each has a subplot: Higgins meets the son ("The Hunger Games' "

Alexander Ludwig) he didn't know he had, Lenny confronts his childhood

bully (wrestler Steve Austin), Eric deals with mommy issues and the

guys get razzed by some frat boys (led by Taylor Lautner).

But Sandler and his writing partners jump from one crude gag to the

next without a trace of a plot or narrative sense. This would be OK if

any of the jokes were remotely funny, but they're mostly retreads of

the bad jokes from the first movie.

For example, this time Shaquille O'Neal commits the peeing-in-the-pool

joke — and when a former NBA star is the funniest thing you can throw

on screen alongside a urinating elk and 15 current and former

"Saturday Night Live" cast members, your comedy has some major


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