My Ping in

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

Top 10 Fashion Blogger Closets

(photo by Fashion Toast)

Today's Top 10 is all about Magic, Fashion Blogger Magic that is, also known as "the Closet" (or chamber of secrets)

These closets in the blogsphere come in different forms and shapes for example we have the "Walk-in closet", "the Clothing Room", a "Rotation Rack", "Display Closet" and a common "My living space = My closet" just to name a few.

ps. and not unimportantly in case of a Zombie apocalypse these "Closets" will be the best hide-outs!

Check out this weeks Top 10 Fashion Blogger Closets!

1) Passions for Fashions

Plainly put: perfect!
The length of the clothing rack is kind of a fashion blogger must have (and luckily it's explained how to do it here) The mirror gives such a nice rich feel!

2) The Cherry Blossom Girl

If there will ever be a break-in/heist at the Cherry Blossom Girl's (think: The cocorosa Identity, cocorosas Eleven, the cocorosa Job) yes, it will be me, sitting bedazzled in her wardrobe :)
Love it so much!

3) Fashion Toast

A fashion shoot, display rotation rack!

4) The Glamourai

This is one stacked closet, but that's New York for you.. It's kind of impossible to have a separate room for your clothes also many New York apartments aren't exactly Ikea friendly and have already "tiny" walk in closets build in.

No need to say the Glamourai's closet is still a dream!!

5) Sea of Shoes

Beautiful! I want a separate shoe shelves as well!

6) I've got a lust for Life

Beautiful living space where everything blends in so well!

7) Shopping is my Cardio

Actually a guest post by Melissa but still.. It's a beautiful example of a "living space" "boutique style" closet!

8) Love Aesthetics

DIY closet rack!

9) Come over to the dark side we have Candy

Totally loving this!

10) The Blond Salad

It's a shoe invasion :) they.are.taking over..krrr.krrrr...omg they have taken ..krr...the books...krr.krrrr...ahhhrgggg

11) heights of Fashion

I spy so many good things in this closet!

12) Cupcakes&Cashmere

It's really worth reading this post! I myself always organize everything on color (and thus as a result can't find anything)This instead is the right way to organize a closet of course.

13) Cheyenne meets Chanel

Shea Marie just literally moved to her new house yesterday! and these are the first sneak peeks of her closet (wait a sec... so this is a cocorosa exclusive..)The glass closet doorknob is an obsession I totally share with Shae (I used to go to the Anthropologie just for the doorknobs!)and the floral pillow is the sweetest little housewarming gift from DKNY!

14) Purse 'n Boots

I love open closets like the one from Purse 'n Boots!
and love how the pillow on her bed actually matches the clothing in her closet ;)

15) Meeeeee (cocorosa)

As promised! Pics of my wardrobe!! I have a three double Ikea closet (PAX) but not everything fits in it haha still it's the best closet I have had so far! Besides the wall closet I use a separate rotation rack as well it's so handy with coordinating outfits :)

I'm thinking of getting Ikea book shelves for my shoes but that would mean I have to leave my books in stacks on the floor.. hmmm..

ps. the whole clothing/folding thing is clearly not working out for me haha...


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