My Ping in

Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

OUTFIT: Misbhv Rare Sweater


By the time you read this I'm well underway to Paris! Paris Fashion Week here I come! I'm making Winter way more lush with my new Misbhv Rare Sweater and Gang Tote! I'm loving the sleeves so much and the tote is just a yum yum tote (black and handy) So happy to join in on the Fashion Weeks after missing London bc of the stupid flu! I'm totally looking forward to Paris, it's going to be so good!

wearing: Misbhv Rare Sweater, Misbhv Gang Bag, Miss Selfridge Jeans, Miista Val booties

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Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Look de entre semana.-

Cómodo, casual y secillito, zapatillas Flecha bien vintage, igual q la camisa de seda rallada, en tonos del outfit. Pantalones violetas, gafas, bolsito y a por la calle!!!

Es una diosa mi princesa mayor me saco las fotos!!! Seguro sigue los pasos de la mama ;)

OUTFIT: Mission Impossible


I would make a vewwy vewwy good spy! The subject came up because my friend thought the case looked like something for transporting critical information to HQ while the studs on the jacket would make great improvised weapons. Boys... what can I say? So imma spy! Taking these photos was Mission Impossible for real though! It was so cold and windy oh and snowing too, so lots of fly-away hair!

ps. guess what? Looks like I will be spying fashion in Paris in a few days! So exited!

wearing: Zara studded leather jacket, Misbhv purse (Macbook case), H&M trend angora sweater, H&M trend sheer top, Sequined leggings, Zara heels

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Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

Favorite Smokey Eye Tutorials

photos via weheartit

One of my all time favorite beauty looks besides the Cat Eye is the Smokey Eye, a beautiful dark smokey eye with pale lips! It's like nothing in the world can beat a good black smudge! I personally think that when it comes to smokey eyes you just have to try what works best for you but I do have to admit I keep a few Tutorials that are my absolute favorites when it comes to Dark, Attractive and Dramatic Eyes!

1) The Black Smoke

The Beauty Department comes with an amazing list with tips on how to pull off the extreme, intense but amazingly gorgeous black smokey eye! A must read for when it comes to adding some Drama, Glamour and that Rock Chic to your look!


2) The Smokey Eye

Sadly I couldn't find the direct link to this tutorial on Annyas website! But I guess we will survive thanks to her amazing "cheat sheet" The tutorial is easy to follow and sits neatly on my desktop to reference future smokey eyes!


3) Sultry Smokey Eyes

Another favorite tutorial for creating those beautiful, sexy and attractive Smokey Eyes!


4) Black Smokey Eyes

The Indian Vanity Case brings us a slightly different way to create a black smokey eye by using a business card as extra tool!


5) Graceful and Sexy Smokey Eyes

Celina brings us two amazing tutorials! One on a regular smokey eye and one on a smokey eye with a pink undertone! Both absolutely worth checking out!



6) Simple Smokey Eye

Keiko Lynn's Simple Smokey eye is perfect for every day and what can I say? All of Keiko's tutorials are amazing!


7) Everyday Neutral Smokey Eye

The Wonder Forest brings us 3 amazing tutorials! I really love her natural/neutral smokey eyes because they balance perfectly in having that smokey eye feel while they are easy to sport everyday by feeling so light and airy!




Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Verde strech y borcegos...

Uno de los tantos viajes que hemos realizado a Colonia, con mi amiguis Lau (esta vez le toco sacar las fotos a ella) Ya ni recuerdo exactamente la fecha, pero el día se prestó estupendo.
Dejamos a nuestras niñas con sus respectivos padres, jeje, y nos fuimos de paseo y shopping mucho paz y tranquilidad, aunque sentíamos que nos faltaban ciertos grititos y risas al rededor. ;)

En fin, disfrutamos de la costa. Y yo opté por un equipo bien sencillo, pero con mi marca diferente, el clásico vestido strech de algodón lo combiné con una campera sport con capucha y puños de hilo en color negro, junto a mis borcegos adorados. 

Les dejo con el resto de las fotitos!

Espero que les hayan gustado las fotitos. Lau hace lo que puede jeje!! Gracias amiga!!
Y mil gracias a ustedes, que supieron esperar más de un mes mi aparición por el blog. 
Bexaxos muuuuchos!!!

Kamis, 21 Februari 2013

OUTFIT: Because I love Light Blue


I'm so into my light blue shades, my outfit is a bit similar to my outfit here, same colors but different silhouette, this is my comfy effortless version of my previous look I guess :)

wearing: Muubaa dip dye leather jacket, H&M Trend Trousers and Top, Zara heels

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Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Lo que fue mi 2012...


Encontré este borrador archivado y me gustaron las fotos. Sí, ya se que hace dos meses que pasó el 2012, pero nunca es tarde hacer memoria y recordar buenas emociones. 
Aquí hay algunos look's del año y la última foto la sacó Fer con mi cel en la discoteca celebrando el inicio del 2013. En fin, un besi a tod@s!!!
