My Ping in

Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

Christie, Clinton top 'hot politician' list

Chris Christie and Hillary Rodham Clinton are the "hottest

politicians" in the nation, according to one new poll.

The coldest: Congressional leaders from both parties.

Christie, the New Jersey governor and potential 2016 Republican

presidential candidate, rates 53.1 degrees on what Quinnipiac

University calls its "thermometer of voters attitudes towards the

nation's major political figures."

Clinton, the former secretary of State, senator, first lady and

potential Democratic presidential candidate in 2016, is second at 52.1


A surprising third place: First-year Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.,

at 49.2 degrees.

President Obama is in fourth at 47.6 degrees, tied with Sen. Kristen

Gillibrand, D-N.Y.

"Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's score is not surprising

given her lengthy political career and especially strong support among

Democrats and women," said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the

Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

He added: "But Gov. Christopher Christie's rating is impressive given

that his experience -- less than four years as governor -- pales

compared to Mrs. Clinton' s résumé. What is interesting is that only

two of the 22 figures rate better than the absolute middle of the

scale, not exactly a ringing endorsement of the nation's political


The four lowest rated politicians in this survey are all congressional

leaders: Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi (38.4); Senate GOP

leader Mitch McConnell (37.5); Republican House Speaker John Boehner

(36.7); and Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid (33.8).

The Quinnipiac "thermometer," as measured in degrees:

Gov. Christie - 53.1

Secretary Clinton - 52.1

Sen. Warren - 49.2

President Obama - 47.6

Sen. Gillibrand - 47.6

Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas - 46.8

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida - 46.5

Vice President Joseph Biden - 46.2

Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley - 45.7

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal - 45.2

Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky - 44.8

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo - 43.9

U.S. Rep. Peter King of New York - 43.6

U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan - 43

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker - 41.1

Former senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania - 40.7

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush - 40.4

Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia - 39.4

Democratic House Leader Pelosi - 38.4

Senate GOP leader McConnell - 37.5

Republican House Speaker Boehner - 36.7

Senate Democratic leader Reid - 33.8

Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,468 registered voters July 28-31. The

survey has a margin of error of +/- 2.6 percentage points.

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